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শুক্রবার, ২৪ মার্চ, ২০১৭
London Terror Madman Revealed! UK Cops Admit They Missed Warning Signs
বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৪ নভেম্বর, ২০১৬
Donald Trump SHOCKED After Daughter Publicly Admits
Donald Trump SHOCKED After Daughter Publicly Admits to Taking Controversial "Skinny Pill" - Behind Her Amazing Transformation!
by Suzanne Pischner Thursday, November 24, 2016
(Doctor Oz and Paula Dean discuss My Lyfe Garcinia and how it helped her lose 30 pounds.)
(TMZ News) - Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump's Daughter, has taken a lot of heat lately mainly for using a controversial, but popular weightloss method used by many celebrities yet never really talked about in the industry. The campaign for Donald to win presidency has been really important to the Trump family and Ivanka had to look at her best if she was going to be giving interviews and be seen on live television. A reported noted that she wanted to quickly lose dress sizes and she wanted to do fast, especially after the birth of her son. I'm sure every mom can relate with carrying all that baby weight and how difficult it can be to lose it all.
TMZ Exclusive Interview Featuring Ivanka - "I was worried that I'd never get my body back again. I tried the workouts, the therapies, but nothing worked. Surgery was on my mind, but was never a reality for me. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. My colleagues recommended , something they had seen on a Dr. Oz episode. It didn't take long after my consult with Dr. Oz until I was on the over the counter regiment until I saw results- less than a week!
Ivanka Trump isn't the only one who is seeing the positive effects of this new program. Hollywood star and country singer Miranda Lambert shocked the world after losing 33 lbs of post divorce weightt in 1 month with the new My Lyfe Garcinia Diet. "I Couldn't believe how quickly I saw the effects... and the fact that I could eat whatever I want when I want and still lose weight!" said Miranda as we spoke with her after her recent divorce of Blake Shelton. The combined effect is clinically proven to not just shred fat off your physique but flush out all the junk in your body and increase your metabolism without harming your immune system.
Miranda Lambert claims the My Lyfe Garcinia diet were the key factors in losing 45 lbs. in just five weeks!
Losing weight often feels like an impossible challenge. We have evaluated numerous fad diets over the years. All too frequent the results are just shy of being painfully disappointing.
The reason why most diets fail, in our opinion, is that they impose unrealistic restrictions on how you live your life. Many dietitians say eat lots of protein others emphasize carbohydrates. In either case, you're left with having to make rather drastic changes to the types of food you eat, when you eat it. In this monthly issue, Our sponsors gave us a free monthly supply of My Lyfe Garcinia so we can take an in-depth look at an emerging and promising weight loss trend.
Carrie Underwood's post baby pictures after using My Lyfe Garcinia on her way to losing 35 lbs of her baby fat in just 1 month.
Nevertheless, as we began to investigate the countless success stories reported by celebrities from around the world. We decided that this fat loss trend was worth a closer examination. The above celebrities had not significantly changed their current lifestyles or food consumption.
বুধবার, ২ নভেম্বর, ২০১৬
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